The Clock Is Ticking – COP26 Exclusive TBTech E-Mag
The doomsday clock is 1-minute to midnight, but we can still turn back time with a pledged investment in green…
The doomsday clock is 1-minute to midnight, but we can still turn back time with a pledged investment in green tech?
Over 200 world leaders have promised to not only end but reverse deforestation by 2030. One signatory of note is Brazil, which has had stretches of the Amazon rainforest cut down. The pledge includes almost US$19.2bn in public and private funds.
Johnson, who is hosting the global meeting in Glasgow, said “more leaders than ever before” “We have to stop the devastating loss of our forests,” he said – and “end the role of humanity as nature’s conqueror, and instead become nature’s custodian”.
The event opened with apocalyptic rhetoric as UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson compared global warming to “a doomsday device” strapped to humanity.
In this E-Mag, we take a look at some of the pledges made by world leaders and some of the green tech that is already helping us on our collective mission to achieve net-zero
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