Redefining Modern Enterprise Storage for Mission-critical Workloads

As digital business has evolved, so too has the definition of “mission-critical, enterprise-grade” data storage. Enterprises are faced with greater digital needs and are putting more pressure on IT. Therefore, IT organizations must demand more from their IT vendors. Dell Technologies, a leader in modern enterprise storage, continues to innovate and evolve its technology to meet the mission-critical needs of the most demanding IT environments.

The digital business demands being placed on enterprise-scale IT organizations are now so extreme that IT infrastructure, especially storage, must evolve to help meet them. According to ESG research, 98% of IT organizations have digital transformation activities on their roadmap. Digital transformation goals fuel multiple business opportunities, including becoming more operationally efficient (reported by 56%), developing innovative new products and services (38%), and even developing entirely new business models (25%).1 In modern environments, IT infrastructure ties directly to revenue creation, cost avoidance, and risk reduction.

As IT success and business success grow more intertwined, maintaining resilient, efficient operations becomes essential. Minutes or even seconds of downtime quickly become costly. Infrastructure technologies such as the right data storage can deliver a business advantage. Not surprisingly, 71% of surveyed organizations told ESG that they consider the role that data storage technology plays in their organization to be strategic and having an effective storage strategy is critical to achieving a competitive advantage.

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11th May 2022