OVH Cloud Virtual Brewtanix
In collaboration with OVHcloud, Nutanix are bringing you the same content, knowledge, fun (and free beer) of a traditional Brewtanix event to the comfort of your own home!
Join OVHcloud & Nutanix in a Virtual Brewtanix!
What is Brewtanix?
The Virtual Brewtanix is aimed at giving you the opportunity to network with Nutanix and OVH Cloud in an informal online setting to learn about what the impact of the energy crisis will be on the cost base of IT Infrastructure. – all while sipping a nice cold beer.
This event will be in conjunction with Siren Brewery and will feature a representative from the brewery.
Sign up now in the form to the right, and join the session. You will receive your free tasting beers just before the event, so you can put them in the fridge to chill!
Registration will close on the 30 November 2022.
16:30: How sustainability can lead to cost reduction.
• Alex Hilton, Cloud Industry Forum
• Steen Dalgas, Cloud Economist, Nutanix
• Gregory Lebourg, Director of Sustainability, OVHcloud
17:15: Beer tasting with a Brew Master from Siren Brewery
We look forward to seeing you there!
Please note, we require a preferred delivery address in order to send you the beers for the event.
We will not use this information for any other purposes and it will not be stored in our database longer than required. Thank you for understanding.