Tag Archives: Survey

Zerto and IDC Release New Ransomware Report

According to new research by Zerto and IDC, almost two-thirds of organisations have responded to a cyberattack with a disaster recovery solution in the last 12 months. The impact of ransomware and significant growth in unrecoverable data highlights the need for effective disaster recovery responses.

Needs For Remote And Hybrid Workspaces

The Future of Work survey by Ergotron, a global company designing and manufacturing ergonomic solutions to improve workspaces and interaction with technology, revealed that despite 88% of employers seeing the importance of bringing IT devices when working in different rooms, almost a quarter (23%) of employers disagreed that the provision of the right ergonomic work conditions and support in employees’ health and overall well-being would be a strong asset in talent acquisition.

The Digital Transformation Expo is coming to London on October 2-3. Register now!