Tag Archives: Environment

The need to weave agility throughout the business

With geopolitical tensions, more extreme weather events and the legacy of a global pandemic, it is more difficult for energy suppliers to preserve their margins and remain competitive than ever before. To thrive in the current climate, it is imperative that a supplier makes marginal gains wherever they can.

Profitability within the sector today hinges on three pillars. The company’s ability to manage risk, forecast accurately, and adapt swiftly. This article would explore how technology can be used to weave agility into the very fabric of the organisation so that suppliers have the intelligence and insight they need to make the right decision, first time, every time.

A three-step strategy to better energy management

As energy costs have continued to rise, the need for better energy management has increasingly been discussed in boardrooms up and down the land. However, it is often difficult for internal advocates to justify the ROI of such projects due to the insufficiency or inaccuracy of the data available. So much so that Garner suggests that ROI and conflicting priorities are seen as the top two challenges faced by over 40% of cases.

There is no doubt that data can be the proof point required. But how much onus should be placed on the business to establish the effective modelling strategies required to generate the requisite data to prove ROI and environmental benefits, and how much should be the energy supplier?

The need to prove environmental accountability

We are currently in the midst of one of the most consequential energy transitions since records began. The increasing availability of clean electrons has motivated businesses in the UK and beyond to think green. And for good reason. Being environmentally conscious attracts customers, appeases regulators, retains staff, and can even gain handouts from government.

The world’s move towards a greener future will only continue to gather pace. Capturing even a sliver of this market represents a massive opportunity for energy suppliers. However, some need to work hard to win back customers. In their drive to appeal, certain energy suppliers have been guilty in the past of ‘greenwashing’ to exaggerate their environmental credentials. Those suppliers – and those that have played fair – have recognised the need for greater accountability. We explore how.

E-waste and the human cost of recycling tech

As our appetite for consumer electronics grows, and the average lifespan of a device gets shorter, we face a mounting problem. China, no longer the world’s dumping ground, is attempting to tackle their e-waste problem head-on.

The Digital Transformation Expo is coming to London on October 2-3. Register now!