Tag Archives: employeeengagement

The opportunity to reimagine what work looks like

The upshot is that this new hybrid work norm is really a grand experiment and as a result we’re seeing that while necessary in this moment and even providing benefits for many, is a less-than-ideal solution for everyone.

But at the same time, the old ways of working aren’t either. So, while the pandemic has undoubtedly been disruptive and problematic, it’s also opened a door: a once-in-a-generation opportunity to re-define what work looks like today and for the future, and to align as much as possible employee demands with business requirements.

How technology alleviates pressures on manufacturing businesses

As we look to the second half of 2022, and the years beyond, the manufacturing industry is likely to experience even more turbulence. To stay competitive in this new landscape, manufacturers will need to stay nimble, and adopt new strategies and technologies that support employee engagement. Having the right technology in place can be a key part of this approach.

The Digital Transformation Expo is coming to London on October 2-3. Register now!