Tag Archives: Communications

Rainbow Office In Today’s New Workplace

In a recent interview for Ringside, RingCentral’s blog, Jasper Van Sas, Global Head of Sales for Rainbow Office at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, shared his insights into how Rainbow Office is making an impact in today’s new workplace.

The Future of Communication

Communication makes the world go around. It is what drives life. And if we have learned nothing else in the challenging times, we have all recently experienced, we have learned the importance of communication and connection, however it is achieved.

Using data analytics effectively in marketing

If data isn’t analysed in the right way, it’s impossible to understand your customers. Which means if you can’t understand them, you can’t reach them. So, if data is good, more data must be better, right? Not necessarily.

The Digital Transformation Expo is coming to London on October 2-3. Register now!