Tag Archives: collaboration

Maritime digital transformation: reframing the narrative

Much has been written about the challenges of digital transformation in the maritime industry. Generalised value statements like “sluggish”, “resistance” and even “unsuccessful” have been tacked onto the topic like barnacles on the bottom of a vessel. But nobody would now deny that the future of the maritime industry depends on digitalisation. Overcoming maritime’s digital barriers should not be down to one individual or organisation. Instead, ship managers, owners, operators, ports, seafarers and tech companies need to work better together if the industry wants to make digital transformation happen. This is vital if the industry is to operate smoothly, efficiently and sustainably.

Meet Magnetic

Just over a year ago, Manchester’s award-winning digital design studio, magneticNorth merged with London’s leading innovation consultancy, Fluxx. The businesses combined their 30+ years of experience to become an independent design and innovation powerhouse, fuelling post-pandemic business growth.

The merger is now complete and the combined businesses have become Magnetic. The new company name symbolises the duality of design and innovation; and is a nod to the necessity of organisations and changemakers coming together to create positive impact.

The Digital Transformation Expo is coming to London on October 2-3. Register now!