Tag Archives: Brexit

Will London remain the fintech capital after Brexit

In addition to being the world’s most internationally connected city with a strong tradition of regulating the financial industry, London for a long time has been home to the largest financial institutions, tech companies and universities. Hirbod Assa, Senior Lecturer in Finance and Fintech at Kent Business School, University of Kent, argues how all the aforementioned aspects give London unique characteristics to maintain its world FinTech position. It is also discussed that to this end, the government needs to encourage quicker finance adoption of technology, investment needs to be injected into the industry and regulations need to be rightfully set. 

Data: What impact will Brexit have?

Brexit has dominated the news cycle since the 2016 referendum, but for all the rhetoric and seemingly round-the-clock coverage, no substantive playbook has been devised for businesses looking to navigate this treacherous strait

The Digital Transformation Expo is coming to London on October 2-3. Register now!