Dell Technologies Delivers Consistent Hybrid Cloud Enabling Unique Enterprise Flexibility
Enterprises may choose from many cloud computing platform options and often find themselves using multiple clouds, both public and private….
Enterprises may choose from many cloud computing platform options and often find themselves using multiple clouds, both public and private. Use of multiple cloud platforms with a common management plane is a great strategy to deliver the flexibility application teams need. As teams develop and operate applications with varied availability, cost and performance requirements, they benefit from choice in capabilities between public cloud(s) and private cloud(s), i.e. hybrid cloud.
The challenge of operating in disparate cloud environments is that it easily fragments into separate tool sets for each cloud platform, particularly in the extreme between public clouds. This results in islands of disjointed cloud use and makes it difficult for IT to achieve consistency in management aspects of policy enforcement, security, compliance, cost management and maintaining service levels. Developers see limited application and data portability and attempt to jam every application, regardless of fit, into the cloud island with which they are most comfortable. In this case, the organization is allowing technology limitations to dictate its cloud strategy instead of benefiting from a true, consistent hybrid cloud experience.
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